The project
Each project must be the pupil’s own work, in German and on a topic concerning Germany. It might examine the language or culture (in the broadest sense of the word) of Germany, or explain a pupil’s interest in or relationship to Germany. But it could equally be about one aspect: for instance, an artist, German music, history, sport, or travel. The project could be in the form of an essay, or something quite different: talk-to-camera, filmed interview, VoiceOver, a Powerpoint presentation, poetry….
Projects should be copied to us along with the award nominations, including the pupils’ full names for the certificates. The prize-money will be transferred to a nominated school bank account, for distribution by the school, and the certificates sent as pdf files.
The Awards
*A maximum of three copies of the Dorling Kindersley “Eyewitness Guide to Germany” will be awarded per school.
We are also happy to provide “special mention” certificates, without prizes.