Help Support Us

Since 1951, it has been the British-German Association’s aim to advance the education of British and German people about each other. The BGA’s foundation was supported by leading politicians, thinkers and educationalists, and the Association has been instrumental in bringing civil society from both countries together to exchange ideas and strengthen their friendship.

Help us to empower the BGA so that we can continue to foster and advance our important bilateral relationship. For any questions relating to donations or legacies, please contact us.


Please consider donating directly via the button on this page. For major donations, please contact us.


Please consider leaving us a legacy gift. To have a confidential discussion with us, please contact us.

Corporate Supporters

Many leading companies are corporate supporters of the BGA. If you would like to explore corporate membership of the BGA, please contact us.

2022 Philanthropic Donors

The Schroder Foundation
William H Salomon


The Brian Deakin Estate (2018)
The MV Barnes Estate (2020)

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