Membership Terms & Conditions

The rights of Membership are personal and Membership is not transferable. Membership implies support for the charitable objectives of the Association which are Membership is conditional upon payment of the Annual Membership fee as determined from time to time by the Association. Members must also pay for any goods or services provided by the Association.

Ending of Membership

Membership shall end if:

  • any sum due from the Member to the Association remains unpaid six months after it is due and the Executive Committee resolves to end that person’s Membership.
  • the Member fails to respond in writing within 60 days of being sent a notice in writing requesting confirmation that they wish to remain a Member and containing a warning that their Membership may be ended and the Board resolves to end the person’s Membership.
  • the Executive Committee passes a resolution that it is in the best interests of the Association that the Membership be terminated.
  • the Member dies or, in the case of an incorporated organisation, ceases to function or is wound up
  • the Member ceases to be qualified to be Member.

Members may cancel their membership within 14 days of purchase and obtain a full refund. After this 14-day cooling-off period, no refunds will be paid.

Gift Aid

Donating through Gift Aid means charities can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.

I would like the British-German Association to reclaim the tax on any eligible membership subscriptions or donations that I make, or will make, until further notice. The BGA should treat all donations I have made to it in the past four years, and all donations I make from the dates of this declaration as Gift Aid donations, until I notify otherwise. I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and that the Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax that I pay exceed the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the tax year. I will advise the Association if and when this should not be the case.