
As a member, you will be part of a dynamic network of over 500 people and access to our live, interactive events featuring top British and German politicians, diplomats, thought-leaders, commentators, writers, professionals and academics.

Intellectual stimulus

Our events enable our members to interact with thought-provoking speakers on a wide range of topics. You can ask your questions to our speakers, participate in polls, and interact with other members of the audience.



You will not only be signalling your support for our values of promoting mutual understanding and friendship between the UK and Germany, but actively supporting our work through your membership fee.

Exclusive newsletter

In addition, you will receive access to our exclusive monthly newsletter full of interesting Germany-related content.

Ruffer event 2022 - image for website 2

Join us

Keen to debate contemporary UK-German issues? Interested in German history and culture? Or do you just want to meet like-minded people over beer and pretzels? In any of these cases, the BGA is for you. Join us now and become part of a dynamic and growing network of British-German relations enthusiasts.

Support us

The BGA is now playing a greater role in British-German relations than ever before. We receive no regular funding from any Government, and our income from individual membership fees covers less than a fifth of our running costs. So we are reliant on donors to continue and expand our work. Your support is hugely appreciated.