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Join us on Wednesday 13 July at 6pm BST at Ruffer LLP in London for a conversation between Elisabeth Stheeman and Dr Harald Heubaum about the finance community’s role in approaching Net Zero in the UK and in Germany.
How can financial markets and regulators come together to help the transition to Net Zero in the UK and in Germany? What kinds of collaborations are required? How can central banks support the transition to Net Zero?
The discussion will start at 6.45pm and will be preceded by a networking reception.
Elisabeth Stheeman is an external member of the Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee (FPC) and Financial Market Infrastructure (FMI) Board.
She has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG, the deputy chair of the Risk Committee and a member of the Technology and Innovation Committee since 2015. She has been a member of the Board of Edinburgh Investment Trust plc since 2019 and Chair Elect since 2021. She has been an external member of the Audit and Risk Committee of AIIB (Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank) since April 2021 and a member of alstria AG’s Supervisory Board since May 2021.
Previously, Elisabeth was a Senior Advisor to the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority (2015-18). In this role she focused on governance across the UK’s financial services sector.
Dr Harald Heubaum is Senior Lecturer in Global Energy and Climate Policy at the SOAS Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy (CISD) and Deputy Director and Co-founder of the SOAS Centre for Sustainable Finance (CSF). He is Director of the climate and sustainable finance initiative SUFINDA C.I.C. headquartered at the CSF and serves as Contributing Author to the upcoming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6 WGII).
Harald’s research interests include organizational change and innovation in global energy, climate and financial governance, climate and sustainable finance, decarbonisation of transport and resilient infrastructure. His regional expertise covers the Asia and Pacific region, Europe and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the conversation.