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Join us on 8 November from 6.30 to 7.30pm GMT for an online discussion with Jessica Cecil and Lutz Güllner on disinformation and challenges to democracy. The event will be moderated by Asha Allen.

Jessica Cecil is a media and news leader. In 2019, at the BBC, she started and led the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), the world’s only alliance of major international tech companies and news organisations to counter the most harmful forms of disinformation in real time. Her background is as a news journalist and documentary maker. She was an international news producer and assistant editor of BBC Newsnight and was an Emmy nominee for the primetime TV science series Human Instinct.

Lutz Güllner is the Head of Strategic Communications at European External Action Service (EEAS), the EU’s diplomatic arm. Prior to his current position, he served as Head of the EEAS’s foreign and security policy communication team (2017– 2019) and as Head of the European Commission Directorate General for Trade communication team (2013–17). He was also Deputy Head of the Trade Strategy Unit and responsible for the coordination of EU-US trade and economic relations.

Asha Allen serves as Advocacy Director for Europe, Online Expression & Civic Space at the Centre for Democracy and Technology (CDT) Europe Office in Brussels, where she leads CDT’s work on issues at the intersection of online expression, civic engagement, and technology. Asha’s work focuses on advocating for the preservation of fundamental rights in European Union/Regional legislation, and democratic accountability in industry content policies.