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Ernest Bevin was the towering Foreign Secretary of the postwar Labour Government. In this event hosted by the BGA and the German History Society, Lord Adonis, himself a former Labour Cabinet Minister, debates Bevin‘s enduring influence on modern Germany with fellow Bevin expert Professor Anne Deighton.

Lord Adonis is a Labour peer and formerly Secretary of State for Transport, Minister for Schools, Head of the No.10 Policy Unit, and senior No. 10 adviser on education, public services and constitutional reform. He pioneered key public service reforms including the Academy programme, Teach First, and the plan to develop a high-speed rail line from London to northern England and Scotland.

Lord Adonis’ biography Ernest Bevin: Labour’s Churchill looks at Bevin’s central role in the creation of many of the international institutions which shape our world today.

Anne Deighton is Emeritus Professor of European International Politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations at Oxford and a Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford. Professor Deighton works on a number of themes relating to the contemporary history and political integration of Europe. A new research project relates to cultural activities and political power in postwar Britain.

On more contemporary issues, Professor Deighton has published on European security institutions; the genesis of human rights issues; and the use, and abuse, of military force in the contemporary world.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions of the speakers after the discussion.