On April 2, the BGA is honoured to host a discussion between two former British Ambassadors to Germany.

Sir Christopher Mallaby GCMG, GCVO was British Ambassador to Germany between 1988 and 1992. He was therefore Ambassador at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the thirtieth anniversary of which we celebrate this year. His memoirs, “Living the Cold War,” are due out shortly in paperback.

Sir Paul Lever KCMG was British Ambassador to Germany between 1997 and 2003, and is the longest-serving Ambassador to united Germany. He was Ambassador at the time that the capital of Germany moved from Bonn to Berlin. His book, “Berlin Rules,” is required reading for anyone seeking to understand modern Germany.

The discussion will take place at the Traveller’s Club, 106 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EP, on Tuesday 2 April. Registration will start at 6.30pm. The event will begin promptly at 7pm and end at around 8pm. There will then be an opportunity for a few members to have dinner with the Ambassadors afterwards.