On 28 June 1919 the Treaty of Peace between the allied and the associated powers and Germany was signed in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. Professor Alan Sharp, one of the most eminent historians in the field, will take a centennial perspective of the Versaille Settlement. Series editor of the 32-volume Makers of the Modern World: the peace conferences of 1919-23 and their aftermath, Professor Sharp sets the consequences into their long-term context. He argues that the responsibility for Euope’s continuing interwar instability cannot be wholly attributed to the peacemakers of 1919-23.

Alan Sharp was Professor of International Studies and Provost of the Coleraine campus of the University of Ulster. His teaching, research and writing has focused on 20th-century international history and British foreign policy after WWI.

Author of Lloyd George and editor of 28 June: the War and Peace that Made the Modern World.